Have you ever come across a website that looks great on your home computer, but then when you go to look it up on a tablet or smartphone, it doesn’t quite format right? Maybe pictures are hanging off the side of the page, or text is too small, and you have to zoom in to see it properly. Then, when you want to read the next sentence, you have to scroll back and forth to see the whole paragraph.
What a headache!
The problem is that the website described above isn’t “responsive.”
What does it take for a website to be considered “responsive?” More than just looking good, it has to look format correctly on multiple devices / platforms, so that the content is easily seen without the audience having to perform finger gymnastics to navigate the site. (See the above image for a good visual explanation.)
As a business owner or independent professional, it’s important to have a website that responds to the viewing devices of your potential customers, thus maximizing your outreach potential.
That’s one reason you should partner with Inkblot Business Services to build your website. Every website we build is optimized for both mobile and desktop viewing standards.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us today so we can build a responsive website for your business.
Disclaimer: all content in the Inkblot Business Blog is presented as personal opinion, and is not to be taken as legal advice. |