You probably got into your current line of work because it’s something you enjoy doing. But as a business owner, what happens when the administrative part of the business starts to interfere with your passion?
Perhaps you’ve found yourself at the following crossroads a time or two.
On one hand, you could do the work you’re passionate about, the work that makes your company profitable, and the work that motivated you to get into that industry to begin with. Or, on the other hand, you could do the administrative work, and tackle the growing to-do list that’s getting in the way of growing your business and bringing in revenue.
Does this sound familiar? Take, for example, the following scenarios.
- If you’re a carpenter, would you rather spend your time: (A) building homes, or (B) calculating your federal payroll tax deposits?
- If you’re a photographer, would you rather be: (A) taking senior graduate photos, or (B) filing state unemployment tax?
- If you run a professional cleaning service, would you rather: (A) clean that invaluable 16th century Persian rug, or (B) categorize all your expenses while reconciling bank statements?
Unless you’re an accountant or a bookkeeper, the chances are high that you probably chose option (A) for all the above. These questions highlight the number one reason to hire a bookkeeper: simply put, we do what we’re good at, so you have the time to do what you’re good at.
To circle back to the opening line of this blog post: you probably got into your current profession because you enjoy doing it. The same applies to us–we do bookkeeping because we genuinely enjoy it!
We welcome you to partner with Inkblot Business Services, so you can get back to doing the part of your business you enjoy doing.
Disclaimer: all content in the Inkblot Business Blog is presented as personal opinion, and is not to be taken as legal advice. |